Gentoo Linux installation media

This tutorial is intended to work on AMD64-compatible processors, Glibc C library, GCC C Compiler, and systemd service manager. Get the minimal Installation CD file at Pick the one that belongs to AMD64 architecture.

Gentoo minimal Installation CD

Setting up a Virtual Machine with Virtualbox

Open Virtualbox, and click on "New". Enter a name for your VM, choose a location where you want to save the VM, choose an ISO image and navigate to the gentoo minimal Installation CD file that you have downloaded earlier. Change the type to "Linux", and set the version to the distro you're using.


Set the amount of memory in megabytes to be allocated to the VM, set the number of virtual CPU, and check the box "Enable EFI (Special OSes only)".


Set the size of the virtual hard disk in megabytes to be allocated to the VM.


Once done, click button "Finish".

Next click on "Settings", choose menu "Storage", and remove SATA controller.

Then you add a NVMe controller to connect virtual hard disks.


Finally, click on "Start".

Creating GPT Disk Partitions

To begin, SCSI and Serial ATA drives are both labeled under device handles such as: /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc, etc. On more modern machines, PCI Express based NVMe solid state disks have device handles such as /dev/nvme0n1, /dev/nvme0n2, etc.

Type of device Default device handle Description
SATA, SAS, SCSI, or USB flash /dev/sda
These types of devices can be connected via the SATA bus, SCSI, USB bus as block storage. As example, the first partition on the first SATA device is called /dev/sda1.
NVM Express (NVMe) /dev/nvme0n1
NVMe drives are connected to the PCI Express bus. The first partition on the first NVMe device is called /dev/nvme0n1p1.

The following partitioning scheme will be used as a simple example layout:

Partition Filesystem Size Description
/dev/nvme0n1p1 fat32 (UEFI) 128M EFI system partition
/dev/nvme0n1p2 ext4 256M Boot partition
/dev/nvme0n1p3 (swap) RAM size * 2 Swap partition
/dev/nvme0n1p4 ext4 Rest of the disk Root partition

Fire up fdisk against the disk:

fdisk /dev/nvme0n1

When using UEFI, type g to create a new GPT disklabel on the disk; this will remove all existing partitions.

fdisk 1

First create a small EFI system partition, which will also be mounted as /boot/efi. Type n to create a new partition, followed by 1 to create the first partition, /dev/nvme0n1p1. When prompted for the first sector, make sure it starts from 2048 (which may be needed for the boot loader) and hit Enter. When prompted for the last sector, type +128M to create a partition 128 Mbyte in size:

fdisk 2

Mark the partition as EFI system partition. Type t to set the partition type, and then type in 1 to set the partition type to "EFI System".

fdisk 3

After that create a boot partition, which will also be mounted as /boot. Type n to create a new partition, followed by 2 to create the second partition, /dev/nvme0n1p2. When prompted for the first sector, hit Enter. When prompted for the last sector, type +256M to create a partition 256 Mbyte in size:

fdisk 4

Next, to create the swap partition, type n to create a new partition, then type 3 to create the third partition, /dev/nvme0n1p3. When prompted for the first sector, hit Enter. When prompted for the last sector, type +16G (or any other size needed for the swap space) to create a partition 16GB in size.

fdisk 5

After all this is done, type t to set the partition type, 3 to select the partition just created and then type in 19 to set the partition type to "Linux Swap".

fdisk 6

Finally, to create the root partition, type n to create a new partition. Then type 3 to create the third partition, /dev/nvme0n1p4. When prompted for the first sector, hit Enter. When prompted for the last sector, hit Enter to create a partition that takes up the rest of the remaining space on the disk.

fdisk 7

After completing these steps, typing p should display a partition table that looks similar to this:

fdisk 8

To save the partition layout and exit fdisk, type w.

fdisk 9

Creating File Systems

Create FAT32 filesystem on the EFI system partition (/dev/nvme0n1p1).

mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/nvme0n1p1

Create ext4 filesystem on the boot partition (/dev/nvme0n1p2).

mkfs.ext4 /dev/nvme0n1p2

Create swap area on the swap partition.

mkswap /dev/nvme0n1p3

Activate the swap partition:

swapon /dev/nvme0n1p3

Create ext4 filesystem on the root partition (/dev/nvme0n1p4).

mkfs.ext4 /dev/nvme0n1p4

Mounting File Systems

Create a mount point for the root partition.

mkdir --parents /mnt/gentoo

Then we mount the root partition on /mnt/gentoo.

mount /dev/nvme0n1p4 /mnt/gentoo

Go to the Gentoo mount point where the root file system is mounted.

cd /mnt/gentoo

Download the stage tarball that is intended for AMD64-compatible processors and using Glibc as C library, GCC as C Compiler, and OpenRC as service manager. Use the wget utility to proceed:


Now unpack the downloaded stage onto the system. Use the tar utility to proceed:

tar xpvf stage3-*.tar.xz --xattrs-include='*.*' --numeric-owner

The x stands for extract, the p for preserve permissions and the f to denote that we want to extract a file (not standard input). --xattrs-include='*.*' is to include preservation of the the extended attributes in all namespaces stored in the archive. Finally, --numeric-owner is used to ensure that the user and group IDs of the files being extracted from the tarball will remain the same as Gentoo's release engineering team intended.

The stage tarball file is a tarball containing a populated directory structure from Linux Filesystem. The tarball contains no kernel, only binaries and libraries essential to bootstrapping.

Next we mount the boot partition on /mnt/gentoo/boot.

mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/gentoo/boot

Create a mount point for the efi system partition.

mkdir /mnt/gentoo/boot/efi

After that we mount the efi system partition on /mnt/gentoo/boot/efi.

mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/gentoo/boot/efi

The organization of the Linux Filesystem is defined by the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard. This standard enables Software and users to predict the location of installed files and directories. We will just indicates to what use are the first level directories are intended for:

  • / is the root. It is the highest level of the filesystem. At the very beginning of the filesystem setting up, this directory — as some other sub directories — is purely virtual (residing in RAM), then the partition that contains the final root of the filesystem is mounted there read-only. Thus the kernel is able to find the tools necessary to the initialization of disks and the mounting of the other partitions. After this job is done, the partition is remounted read write.
  • /home is the place where the files of the users will be placed. Generally, but it is not mandatory, a separate partition is mounted there.
  • /etc is the place for installed application configuration files e.g. /etc/fstab, /etc/hosts, etc.
  • /lib is the place for shared libraries and the kernel modules.
  • /media is a mounting point for removable devices such as CDs, DVDs, USB stick or drives, etc.
  • /bin is a place for essential command binaries such as cat, ls, mount, etc.
  • /boot is a place for static files of the boot loader.
  • /dev is for the device files.
  • /mnt is a place where to mount filesystems temporarily.
  • /opt is for additional programs.
  • /run is for data related to running processes.
  • /sbin is for essential commands.
  • /srv is for the data of services supported by the system e.g. the files of a web server.
  • /tmp is for temporary files.
  • /usr is a secondary hierarchy.
  • /var is for variable data.
  • /root is for the files belonging to the super user (root).

Portage is the official package manager and distribution system for Gentoo. Portage reads in the make.conf file when it runs, which will change runtime behavior depending on the values saved in the file. make.conf can be considered the primary configuration file for Portage.

Update the /mnt/gentoo/etc/portage/make.conf file.

Configuration make.conf

The CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS variables define the optimization flags for GCC C and C++ compilers respectively.

A first setting is the -march= or -mtune= flag, which specifies the name of the target architecture. A commonly used value is native as that tells the compiler to select the target architecture of the current system

A second one is the -O flag (that is a capital O, not a zero), which specifies the gcc optimization class flag. Possible classes are s (for size-optimized), 0 (zero - for no optimizations), 1, 2 or even 3 for more speed-optimization flags (every class has the same flags as the one before, plus some extras). -O2 is the recommended default. -O3 is known to cause problems when used system-wide

Another popular optimization flag is -pipe (use pipes rather than temporary files for communication between the various stages of compilation). It has no impact on the generated code, but uses more memory. On systems with low memory, gcc might get killed. In that case, do not use this flag.

Next step is to configure the Gentoo ebuild repository via the /etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.conf file. This file contains the sync information needed to update the package repository (the collection of ebuilds and related files containing all the information Portage needs to download and install software packages).

Configuring the repository can be done in a few simple steps. First, if it does not exist, create the repos.conf directory:

mkdir --parents /mnt/gentoo/etc/portage/repos.conf

Next, copy the Gentoo repository configuration file provided by Portage to the (newly created) repos.conf directory:

cp /mnt/gentoo/usr/share/portage/config/repos.conf /mnt/gentoo/etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.conf

Next thing to be done is copying over the DNS information in /etc/resolv.conf to the new environment. /etc/resolv.conf contains the name servers (DNS servers) for name resolution. Priorities to nameservers are given in the order the system finds an entry in the file.

cp --dereference /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/gentoo/etc/

The --dereference option ensures that, if /etc/resolv.conf is a symbolic link, that the link's target file is copied instead of the symbolic link itself.

The Linux root will be changed towards the new location. The filesystems that need to be made available in the new environment are:

  • /proc/ is a pseudo-filesystem. It looks like regular files, but is generated on-the-fly by the Linux kernel
  • /sys/ is a pseudo-filesystem, like /proc/ which it was once meant to replace, and is more structured than /proc/
  • /dev/ is a regular file system which contains all device. It is partially managed by the Linux device manager (usually udev)
  • /run/ is a temporary file system used for files generated at runtime, such as PID files or locks

The /proc/ location will be mounted on /mnt/gentoo/proc/ whereas the others are bind-mounted. For instance, /mnt/gentoo/sys/ will actually be /sys/ (it is just a second entry point to the same filesystem) whereas /mnt/gentoo/proc/ is a new mount of the filesystem.

mount --types proc /proc /mnt/gentoo/proc
mount --rbind /sys /mnt/gentoo/sys
mount --make-rslave /mnt/gentoo/sys
mount --rbind /dev /mnt/gentoo/dev
mount --make-rslave /mnt/gentoo/dev
mount --bind /run /mnt/gentoo/run
mount --make-slave /mnt/gentoo/run

Now that all partitions are initialized and the base environment installed, it is time to enter the new installation environment by chrooting into it. This means that the session will change its root from the current installation environment (installation CD) to the installation system (namely the initialized partitions).

First, we change root location from / (on the installation medium) to /mnt/gentoo/ (on the partitions) using chroot.

chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash

Then, reload /etc/profile in memory using the source command.

source /etc/profile

Change primary prompt to help us remember that this session is inside a chroot environment.

export PS1="(chroot) ${PS1}"

Configuring Portage

Next step is to install a snapshot of the Gentoo ebuild repository. This snapshot contains a collection of files that informs Portage about available software titles (for installation), which profiles the system administrator can select, package or profile specific news items, etc.


During this operation, emerge-webrsync might complain about a missing /var/db/repos/gentoo/ location. This is to be expected and nothing to worry about - the tool will create the location.

Some architectures (including AMD64/X86, ARM, PPC) have a USE_EXPAND variable called CPU_FLAGS_ARCH (replace ARCH with the relevant system architecture as appropriate).

Install package app-portage/cpuid2cpuflags:

emerge --ask app-portage/cpuid2cpuflags

Then copy the output into package.use:

echo "*/* $(cpuid2cpuflags)" > /etc/portage/package.use/00cpu-flags

Setting Timezone

Select the timezone for the system. Look for the available timezones in /usr/share/zoneinfo/:

ls /usr/share/zoneinfo

Suppose the timezone of choice is Asia/Jakarta.

We create a symbolic link into the file named /etc/localtime.

ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Jakarta > /etc/timezone

Setting Locale

Locales specify not only the language that the user should use to interact with the system, but also the rules for sorting strings, displaying dates and times, etc. Locales are case sensitive and must be represented exactly as described. A full listing of available locales can be found in the /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED file.

Supported system locales must be defined in the /etc/locale.gen file.

nano -w /etc/locale.gen

The next step is to run the locale-gen command. This command generates all locales specified in the /etc/locale.gen file.

To display information about the current locales

locale -a

Kernel configuration

Before configuring kernel, it is important to be know that some hardware devices require additional firmware to be installed on the system before they will operate correctly. This is often the case for wireless network interfaces commonly found in both desktop and laptop computers. Modern video chips from vendors like AMD, Nvidia, and Intel, often also require external firmware files to be fully functional. Most firmware for modern hardware devices can be found within the sys-kernel/linux-firmware package.

Some packages will only be allowed to be installed by accepting its license. Update /etc/portage/make.conf and add the following variable:


Then we install the sys-kernel/linux-firmware package.

emerge --ask sys-kernel/linux-firmware

There are two approach to configure and compile the kernel:

  • Full automation approach: the linux kernel are fully automated in configuring, building, and installing. It is possible provide a custom kernel configuration file if customization is necessary.
  • Full manual approach: the kernel is manually configured, built, and installed using the eselect kernel and a slew of make commands.
Full automation approach

Distribution Kernels are ebuilds that cover the complete process of unpacking, configuring, compiling, and installing the kernel.

Before installing the distribution kernels, first we install installkernel package:

emerge --ask sys-kernel/installkernel-gentoo

Then we install the distribution kernels:

emerge --ask sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin
Full manual approach

First, install the sys-kernel/gentoo-sources package.

emerge --ask sys-kernel/gentoo-sources

Setting the symlink with the eselect tool:

eselect kernel list
eselect kernel set 1

A symbolic link called linux is created.

ls -l /usr/src/linux
Kernel symlink

Now go to the kernel source directory and execute make menuconfig. This will fire up menu-driven configuration screen.

cd /usr/src/linux
make menuconfig

Enabling Gentoo-specific options and enabling systemd support:

Kernel configuration

Enabling devtmpfs support (CONFIG_DEVTMPFS):

Kernel configuration

Enabling SCSI disk support (CONFIG_SCSI, CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SD):

Kernel configuration


Kernel configuration


Kernel configuration


Kernel configuration

Activating SMP support (CONFIG_SMP)

Kernel configuration


Kernel configuration

Enabling IA32 Emulation (CONFIG_IA32_EMULATION)

Kernel configuration


Kernel configuration


Kernel configuration

With the configuration now done, it is time to compile and install the kernel. Exit the configuration and start the compilation process:

make && make modules_install

When the kernel has finished compiling, copy the kernel image to /boot/. This is handled by the make install command:

make install

To build an initramfs, install sys-kernel/dracut package:

emerge --ask sys-kernel/dracut

Before we generate an initramfs, we must know the version of the chosen kernel sources. To check the version of the chosen kernel sources, enter:

eselect kernel list

This command must return the output similar to:

Available kernel symlink targets:
[1] linux-6.1.28-gentoo *

Then have it generate an initramfs:

dracut --kver=6.1.28-gentoo

The initramfs will be stored in /boot/.

Creating the fstab file

Under Linux, all partitions used by the system must be listed in /etc/fstab. This file contains the mount points of those partitions, how they should be mounted and with what special options.

The /etc/fstab file uses a table-like syntax. Every line consists of six fields, separated by whitespace (space(s), tabs, or a mixture of the two). Each field has its own meaning:

  • The first field shows the block special device or remote filesystem to be mounted. Several kinds of device identifiers are available for block special device nodes, including paths to device files, filesystem labels and UUIDs, and partition labels and UUIDs.
  • The second field shows the mount point at which the partition should be mounted.
  • The third field shows the type of filesystem used by the partition.
  • The fourth field shows the mount options used by mount when it wants to mount the partition. As every filesystem has its own mount options, so system admins are encouraged to read the mount man page (man mount) for a full listing. Multiple mount options are comma-separated.
  • The fifth field is used by dump to determine if the partition needs to be dumped or not. This can generally be left as 0 (zero).
  • The sixth field is used by fsck to determine the order in which filesystems should be checked if the system wasn't shut down properly. The root filesystem should have 1 while the rest should have 2 (or 0 if a filesystem check is not necessary).

Add these rules in the /etc/fstab file.

/dev/nvme0n1p2   /boot            ext4    defaults,noatime     0 2
/dev/nvme0n1p1   /boot/efi        vfat    defaults,noatime     0 2
/dev/nvme0n1p3   none             swap    sw                   0 0
/dev/nvme0n1p4   /                ext4    noatime              0 1
/dev/cdrom       /mnt/cdrom       auto    noauto,user          0 0

Setting the hostname

echo codingempire > /etc/hostname

Configuring the network

First, we list all available physical network interfaces:

find /sys/class/net -type l -not -lname '*virtual*' -printf '%f\n'

The -type l option tells to look for symbolic links.

The -lname '*virtual*' option tells to ignore the path that contains the virtual string.

The -printf '%f\n' option tells to print only the basename of the path.

The output of the command must show that at least one physical network interface is found:


Then we create /etc/conf.d/net file.

touch /etc/conf.d/net

Next we set DHCP on that physical network interface in /etc/conf.d/net file.


Next we set up dynamic IP address by creating a file named in the /etc/systemd/network/ directory. The network configuration for systemd are placed in the /etc/systemd/network/ directory.

touch /etc/systemd/network/

Add these rules in the /etc/systemd/network/ file.



Setting hosts file

/etc/hosts helps in resolving host names to IP addresses for hosts that aren't resolved by the nameserver.

Setting root user profile

Create a root user profile:

touch ~/.profile

Then add the PS1 variable in the .profile file:

PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '

Setting root password

Set the root password using the passwd command.


Init and boot configuration

The command systemd-firstboot allows for setting of basic system settings before or during the first boot of a newly created system. The tool is able of initialize the following system settings: timezone, locale, hostname, the root password, as well as automated generation of a machine ID.

systemd-firstboot --prompt --setup-machine-id

Next users should run systemctl to reset all installed unit files to the preset policy values:

systemctl preset-all --preset-mode=enable-only

These two steps will help ensure a smooth transition from the live environment to the installation's first boot.

System logger

Systemd includes a built-in logger called the systemd-journald service.

Cron daemon

Systemd-based systems include support for scheduled tasks out-of-the-box in the form of timers. systemd timers can run at a system-level or a user-level and include the same functionality that a traditional cron daemon would provide.

File indexing

In order to index the file system to provide faster file location capabilities, install sys-apps/mlocate.

emerge --ask sys-apps/mlocate

Remote shell access

Change SSH Configuration file (/etc/ssh/sshd_config), uncomment the Port option to enable SSH client connects to SSH server on port 22.

Port 22

Uncomment the PermitRootLogin option and set the value to yes to enable root login.

PermitRootLogin yes

To enable the SSH server, run:

systemctl enable sshd

Time synchronization

Chronyd is a better choice for most networks than ntpd for keeping computers synchronized with the Network Time Protocol.

emerge --ask net-misc/chrony

To enable the chrony, run:

systemctl enable chronyd.service

Configuring the GRUB bootloader

The boot loader is responsible for firing up the Linux kernel upon boot - without it, the system would not know how to proceed when the power button has been pressed.

A note for UEFI users: running the above command will output the enabled GRUB_PLATFORMS values before emerging. When using UEFI capable systems, users will need to ensure GRUB_PLATFORMS="efi-64" is enabled. If that is not the case for the setup, GRUB_PLATFORMS="efi-64" will need to be added to the /etc/portage/make.conf file before emerging GRUB so that the package will be built with EFI functionality:

echo 'GRUB_PLATFORMS="efi-64"' >> /etc/portage/make.conf
emerge --ask sys-boot/grub

Next, install the GRUB EFI file (grubx64.efi) to the /boot/efi/ directory via the grub-install command. Run grub-install command:

grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi

Next, generate the GRUB configuration based on the user configuration specified in the /etc/default/grub file and /etc/grub.d scripts. Run the grub-mkconfig command:

grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

The output of the command must mention that at least one Linux image is found, as those are needed to boot the system. If an initramfs is used, the correct initrd image should be detected as well.


Rebooting the system

Exit the chrooted environment and unmount all mounted partitions.

umount -l /mnt/gentoo/dev{/shm,/pts,}
umount -R /mnt/gentoo