Create a new repository on Github by clicking the new button

Create a new repository

Your repository must be named <username> and must be public. Then click Create Repository button.

repository name

Fork the Beautiful Jekyll repo:

Fork repository

Rename the repository name to <username> and click Create Fork button.

Create Fork

Click on the repository settings tab.

Setting repository

From the left-hand side menu, click Pages under the Code and Automation section.

Pages menu

In the Build and Deployment section, choose the branch (i.e. master) from which you would like GitHub Pages to deploy your website and click save button.

Choose branch to publish Github Pages

Edit the _config.yml file to change any settings you want. To edit the file, first click on it to view the file, and on the next page click on the pencil icon to edit it. After changing the settings, click the green Commit changes button to save these edits.

Edit the _config.yml
Edit button
Commit Changes
Commit Changes

You can now view your site at