Windows-1250 is a single-byte character encoding designed for Central and Eastern European languages that use the Latin alphabet. Designed to support languages such as Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Slovak, and others in the Central and Eastern European region.

Windows-1250 consists of 256 characters, where the first 128 characters are the same as ASCII. The remaining 128 characters cover additional Latin-based characters, diacritics, and special symbols needed for languages like Polish, Czech, Hungarian, and others.

Windows-1250 also known as CP-1250.

The following table displays ASCII control characters:

000000Null character
100101Start of Heading
200202Start of Text
300303End of Text
400404End of Transmission
700707Bell, Alert
901109Horizontal Tab
100120ALine Feed
110130BVertical Tabulation
120140CForm Feed
130150DCarriage Return
140160EShift Out
150170FShift In
1602010Data Link Escape
1702111Device Control One (XON)
1802212Device Control Two
1902313Device Control Three (XOFF)
2002414Device Control Four
2102515Negative Acknowledge
2202616Synchronous Idle
2302717End of Transmission Block
2503119End of medium
280341CFile Separator
290351DGroup Separator
300361ERecord Separator
310371FUnit Separator

The following table displays ASCII printable characters:

3304121!Exclamation mark
3404222Double quotes (or speech marks)
3504323#Number sign
3704525%Per cent sign
3904727'Single quote
4005028(Open parenthesis (or open bracket)
4105129)Close parenthesis (or close bracket)
460562E.Period, dot or full stop
470572F/Slash or divide
600743C<Less than (or open angled bracket)
620763E>Greater than (or close angled bracket)
630773F?Question mark
6410040@At sign
6510141AUppercase A
6610242BUppercase B
6710343CUppercase C
6810444DUppercase D
6910545EUppercase E
7010646FUppercase F
7110747GUppercase G
7211048HUppercase H
7311149IUppercase I
741124AJUppercase J
751134BKUppercase K
761144CLUppercase L
771154DMUppercase M
781164ENUppercase N
791174FOUppercase O
8012050PUppercase P
8112151QUppercase Q
8212252RUppercase R
8312353SUppercase S
8412454TUppercase T
8512555UUppercase U
8612656VUppercase V
8712757WUppercase W
8813058XUppercase X
8913159YUppercase Y
901325AZUppercase Z
911335B[Opening bracket
931355D]Closing bracket
941365E^Caret - circumflex
9614060`Grave accent
9714161aLowercase a
9814262bLowercase b
9914363cLowercase c
10014464dLowercase d
10114565eLowercase e
10214666fLowercase f
10314767gLowercase g
10415068hLowercase h
10515169iLowercase i
1061526AjLowercase j
1071536BkLowercase k
1081546ClLowercase l
1091556DmLowercase m
1101566EnLowercase n
1111576FoLowercase o
11216070pLowercase p
11316171qLowercase q
11416272rLowercase r
11516373sLowercase s
11616474tLowercase t
11716575uLowercase u
11816676vLowercase v
11916777wLowercase w
12017078xLowercase x
12117179yLowercase y
1221727AzLowercase z
1231737B{Opening brace
1241747C|Vertical bar
1251757D}Closing brace
1261767E~Equivalency sign - tilde

The following table displays characters and symbols for Central and Eastern European languages, such as Polish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Slovene, and others:

12820080Euro sign
13020282Single low-9 quotation mark
13220484Double low-9 quotation mark
13320585Horizontal ellipsis
13520787Double dagger
13721189Per mille sign
1382128AŠLatin capital letter S with caron
1392138BSingle left-pointing angle quotation
1402148CŚLatin capital letter S with acute
1412158DŤLatin capital letter T with caron
1422168EŽLatin capital letter Z with caron
1432178FŹLatin capital letter Z with acute
14522191Left single quotation mark
14622292Right single quotation mark
14722393Left double quotation mark
14822494Right double quotation mark
15022696En dash
15122797Em dash
15323199Trade mark sign
1542329AšLatin small letter S with caron
1552339BSingle right-pointing angle quotation mark
1562349CśLatin small letter s with acute
1572359DťLatin small letter t with caron
1582369EžLatin small letter z with caron
1592379FźLatin small letter z with acute
160240A0Non-breaking space
163243A3ŁLatin capital letter L with stroke
164244A4¤Currency sign
165245A5ĄLatin capital letter A with ogonek
166246A6¦Pipe, broken vertical bar
167247A7§Section sign
168250A8¨Spacing diaeresis - umlaut
169251A9©Copyright sign
170252AAŞLatin capital letter S with cedilla
171253AB«Left double angle quotes
173255AD­Soft hyphen
174256AE®Registered trade mark sign
175257AFŻLatin capital letter Z with dot above
176260B0°Degree sign
177261B1±Plus-or-minus sign
179263B3łLatin small letter l with stroke
180264B4´Acute accent - spacing acute
181265B5µMicro sign
182266B6Pilcrow sign - paragraph sign
183267B7·Middle dot - Georgian comma
184270B8¸Spacing cedilla
185271B9ąLatin small letter a with ogonek
186272BAşLatin small letter s with cedilla
187273BB»Right double angle quotes
188274BCĽLatin capital letter L with caron
189275BD˝Double acute accent
190276BEľLatin small letter l with caron
191277BFżLatin small letter z with dot above
192300C0ŔLatin capital letter R with acute
193301C1ÁLatin capital letter A with acute
194302C2ÂLatin capital letter A with circumflex
195303C3ĂLatin capital letter A with breve
196304C4ÄLatin capital letter A with diaeresis
197305C5ĹLatin capital letter L with acute
198306C6ĆLatin capital letter C with acute
199307C7ÇLatin capital letter C with cedilla
200310C8ČLatin capital letter C with caron
201311C9ÉLatin capital letter E with acute
202312CAĘLatin capital letter E with ogonek
203313CBËLatin capital letter E with diaeresis
204314CCĚLatin capital letter E with caron
205315CDÍLatin capital letter I with acute
206316CEÎLatin capital letter I with circumflex
207317CFĎLatin capital letter D with caron
208320D0ĐLatin capital letter D with stroke
209321D1ŃLatin capital letter N with acute
210322D2ŇLatin capital letter N with caron
211323D3ÓLatin capital letter O with acute
212324D4ÔLatin capital letter O with circumflex
213325D5ŐLatin capital letter O with double acute
214326D6ÖLatin capital letter O with diaeresis
215327D7×Multiplication sign
216330D8ŘLatin capital letter R with caron
217331D9ŮLatin capital letter U with ring above
218332DAÚLatin capital letter U with acute
219333DBŰLatin capital letter U with double acute
220334DCÜLatin capital letter U with diaeresis
221335DDÝLatin capital letter Y with acute
222336DEŢLatin capital letter T with cedilla
223337DFßLatin small letter sharp s - ess-zed
224340E0ŕLatin small letter r with acute
225341E1áLatin small letter a with acute
226342E2âLatin small letter a with circumflex
227343E3ăLatin small letter a with breve
228344E4äLatin small letter a with diaeresis
229345E5ĺLatin small letter l with acute
230346E6ćLatin small letter c with acute
231347E7çLatin small letter c with cedilla
232350E8čLatin small letter c with caron
233351E9éLatin small letter e with acute
234352EAęLatin small letter e with ogonek
235353EBëLatin small letter e with diaeresis
236354ECěLatin small letter e with caron
237355EDíLatin small letter i with acute
238356EEîLatin small letter i with circumflex
239357EFďLatin small letter d with caron
240360F0đLatin small letter d with stroke
241361F1ńLatin xmall letter n with acute
242362F2ňLatin small letter n with caron
243363F3óLatin small letter o with acute
244364F4ôLatin small letter o with circumflex
245365F5őLatin small letter o with double acute
246366F6öLatin small letter o with diaeresis
247367F7÷Division sign
248370F8řLatin small letter r with caron
249371F9ůLatin small letter u with ring above
250372FAúLatin small letter u with acute
251373FBűLatin small letter u with double acute
252374FCüLatin small letter u with diaeresis
253375FDýLatin small letter y with acute
254376FEţLatin small letter t with cedilla
255377FF˙Dot above